Will You?

Moment of life

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Some times, we tend to forget to appreciate the people around us and taking them for granted. It is never easy to have that gratitude but it is not impossible. God show us that it is possible through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Recently, it saddens my heart when knowing that you've sacrificed so much but not being appreciated especially with your love ones. Money can't buy happiness, lifestyle can't too. But gratitude, appreciation,  love, grace and time can provide more than what we can bare.

Question is, what is enough? what is too much? Nor me or you knows until one day when you realize it.

Remember that LIFE is never too short, never too long. Do appreciate one another with love.

God bless!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Taxi, an instrument to where I go

Long time ago, back in Sabah, Tawau, I used to take Taxi to church. Almost every week. Getting a Taxi in Tawau isn't easy. No one likes to roam around housing area. Every Sunday, as I prepare for church, I'll always pray to God that the moment I walked out from my house I'll get a Taxi and it happened though I cannot remember whether it is all the time but it reminds me of what He said "Ask & you shall received". I'm not asking you to ask for something for your own but rather asked it for the Glory of God.

There are many incident where Faith is assured of my hope and I would like to encouraged you to have Faith in things that you know it will glorify God.

This thoughts are reflected when I went out for lunch and met an uncle who talk about his Testimony of asking and receiving which is similar like mine.

He was tasked to fetch kids to church and should reach to one of the parents house by 2:20pm, however with the traffic consequences every day, he doubt whether he can make it or not. So, he prayed and asked God to provide him a way so that he could reach on time. And with His grace, the moment he set to start his journey, traffic was smooth all the way and he reached there on time! 2:20 pm sharp. No more, no less! It amazed me when i heard his story of how he asked something that would glorify God.

That's what ZAP me on my experienced in the past.


God knows your heart and your desire.

Take care and have a blessed Sabbath Day!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Are you aware enough? This is one question i would like to ask. It applies to me as well.

As i drove back from work, i ponder upon God's glory, God's mysterious action, it makes me think that i'm never aware enough or perhaps never even have that awareness to know that God's hand is upon every little bits in my life, be it larger or smaller bits, He is always there. How i know? I just don't know but FAITH brought that all together.

I know i may sound bias for God because everyone has different experience in life which i cannot say God is in all, but in my own life, i have my own struggle, my own family problem, my own life problem and of all these problems, i want to claim it for God and say that He is in all of it. No matter how hard my life is, how difficult it gets, i believe He watches over me not because He show His power nor His love directly towards me but because I felt it. I felt His presence. Even then, i still doubt at times. Human are still human right? May the Lord mercy never seizes.

Therefore, I would like to encourage you, brothers and sisters, human, people out there, to not forget that despite all this, science couldn't define emotions, science couldn't have that exact answer for everything but God is. Though He may be invisible to you and me, but I, Kelvin Wong believe He is out there. As He reveals to me each day though not in a BOMB but in a peaceful wind, still I will believe.

My prayer is to all of you out there who have been lost in many ways that He, the Lord of all Creation and the Lord who loves His creation will show a never ending love and grace and mercy to you.


A song for you :)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Court or the World?

Been searching for a right picture to describe the content of this post blog.

I realize one very important thing though this has been with me throughout my life when I knew the Lord.
"It is better to be in His court a day than to be in the world a thousand day."
 Yesterday as I ponder upon the work I'm doing, I wonder why am I here, I wonder why am I working? And this thought follows me to my sleep. And today, Sunday, I went to church and God reminds me that a day with Him is better than a thousand day outside. So no matter what I'm doing now, I have to make sure that I must make sure that my time is well spend with the Lord, and this mean everyday no matter I'm busy or when I'm in silent with Him.

It may seems pretty religious, pretty insane to some people when they question regarding His existence. But no matter what it is, by thinking of this world could sometimes make me go crazy. I've been working in an Ads Company and it seems so empty if I keep working, working and working. Though I worked for 5 days, or even 7 days, but just to have a day with the Lord keeps my sanity and it is true.

If you are with Christ and you read this, remember that there is Someone that you have known is sustaining you and guiding you through. Even if you are unaware of it, He is there with you when you look back and see how your life is guided through.

If you are still thinking of His existence, take this blog as a reminder that work is just work. Money is just money. All this will be gone when time reached. Most important, is your time with your family and time searching for God.

If you never want to believe, my prayer to you is that one day He will search you and made known Himself to you.

May the Lord who guide me through in my life will guide all of you in your life as well.

Best regards,

Friday, September 21, 2012

Contest that you shouldn't miss

 Ever see such wonderful poster? Come and join this. I believe it will benefit your children because it encourage your kids to explore their mind on what "harmony" is all about. Come and join us :) Top 100 Winner's picture will not only get prizes but also their drawing will be place into our Super Pages Directory Book for a year! Kids drawing & school name will be included in that drawing for the ads.

Amateur? Professional? No problem! We invite anyone or everyone with camera to snap the best picture that describe "life" or "your life". Apart from great prizes, the Top 12 winner's picture will be used for our Calendar 2013! Do not miss this chance!

For more information, log on to panpages.my or facebook/SuperPagesMsia.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Have you ever asked yourselves what is it like to be a Christian? I've been asking myself am I a Christian for the World or Christian for Christ? I'm also questioning myself whether I do know the meaning of His Salvation, the meaning of His Mercy and Grace, meaning of His love?

Things seems bleak at times, but rest assured that in me, He is real but I'll still go on searching for what He calls Himself the Author of Life, The Salvation, The Mercy, The Grace and The Love.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Yesterday, as I was walking to Public Bank for interview and walking back to sentral, I'd seen many behaviors. People rushing to work, rushing to catch train / LRT, honk around, rushing in eating and lots more. It makes me wonder what this world has become. I felt pretty sophisticated living in a world as such. You know, working all your life, earning money, buying house cars or maybe just enough to survive, and lots more. Earning money to travel, have fun and lots more.

It's a curse for mankind I guess.

Anyway, what I want to say is only about to start now.

Before I go down to KL for an interview, I called my mom and got to know something about my family. What's happening in and out and of course I'm worried for them. I want to help them so much and wanted to just lift their burden.

During that process of thinking and moving around in KL, I come to my sense that at times I wish that Jesus has come to Earth to judge and to redeem us from all kind of slavery. It's for the first time that I also don't mind in giving up my life just for Him (or maybe just to leave this world). I guess being a Christian is difficult. It's so difficult that if you chose to follow Christ, you gotta throw all these worldly stuffs and thoughts away. He never says you cannot enjoy the honey and milk of the Earth but all this are only to be enjoyed when He decides to reward you in full. Therefore, I come to my senses that where ever you choose to work, deciding on your path, always ponder what about what He says and what your heart says and what the world says.

The world says, "Join this company and your career path shall be awesome! It gives you greater experience in this place, so come and join us!"
 Your heart may say, "Wow! It's so true! If I join this career path, I have a pretty awesome career life but what about God's will? What does He want me to do? This path seems pretty, but what if God says no? How? What should I do?
God may say, "Pray to me, seek me, ask me, knock on me and the door shall be open to you. Follow my command and obey it. Everything will be given unto you if you ask of My name."

So how? What path shall one chose? I'm not saying all these because I'm judging but I hope that when you come to a crossroad, choose wisely. Look around you. Don't work just for the sake of beautifying your own house, your own car, your own life when people around you are being pressed by rich fellows. It may sound like "I've earned it myself, i can choose my own way of life." Yes you may, but don't you think life is more than just this?

One little advice and I hope it helps. Don't go decide on what you want to do and comfort yourselves by saying "I'll give Him back 10% of my salary or saying I'll serve more in Church." Remember, God doesn't want all this, He wants you to yearn for Him, seek Him, Obey Him, Love Him and the list goes on.

My experience :

"God has been gracious to me. He knows where He wants me to go, but still because of what I asked or applied for, He opens the way so that I'm able to go for interviews. However, during that period, I realize that God never want me jump into all this companies to work for, but He want me to jump into His company, a company that He has chosen for me. But I guess I'm still a little bit reluctant to follow. If you ever read this post, do keep me in your prayer as I'm in the Crossroad of choosing between my way or God's way."

Do not worry about me. I guess eventually I'll choose God's way because I felt more happy and joyful in serving Him rather than serving other buildings. Though His way may be a way that I couldn't imagine how I'm able to go through, but I guess God's way is never easy for us to comprehend. Let Him lead and I shall follow.

-Kelvin Wong-
A messy heart that yearns for God so much, but at the same time is worried about what may come and where to go.