Will You?

Moment of life

Monday, June 7, 2010

Assuredly Yours

A day to remember whether what we does is assured by Him

How assure are we on what we do? It's never gonna be assured 100% by oneself alone but by God, Himself

How much of a person we are it depends on how much our relationship comes about with God.

No one in this world is perfect enough to judge anyone that's why Jesus say do not judge. But as human, it is like the fundamental of action in our lives.

I've learn to look at what is the strength of a person rather than the weakness of them but also to try to encouraged them to improved the weaknesses and I hope that you do the same to me too. It won't be easy as it because the state of mind is always weak. But, whenever I know I judge, it's the moment I have to repent. I hope you too. I believe by doing so, everyone will be able to work happily and joyfully with each other.

Working together as a body of Christ is not as easy as saying only. I believe it's the hardest thing for us to do. Yeah, it's true that we can work in Him and He will make it perfect, but the criteria to it is that all of us are to have the relationship with Him and this is the hardest things to do because we will fall anytime. Therefore, it is always good to keep check of oneself and guard our own little heart which is so vulnerable to things around.

Set some time to spend with Him.
Set some time to reflect with Him.
Set some time to talk to people who you think can be accountable too.
Set some time to build what is right and get over with what is wrong.

Jeremiah 17 : 9 - 10
"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve."

We will never understand our fragile heart but the Lord understands it. Keep check with Him, brother and sister.

God bless.

1 comment:

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dVzLfyjAfw

    by paradise live

